Diet & Weight Management, Male Breast Reduction (Gynaecomastia), Botox Injections,Female Genital Surgery Or Cosmetic Vaginal Surgery, Hair Transplant, Hymenoplasty (Regain Of Virginity), Liposuction, Rhinoplasty, Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) and many more...
The minimal access skull bandage is a form of facial surgery or rhytidectomy used to reduce wrinkles and tighten sagging facial tissue and was originally developed in Belgium. Access to tissues is through an incision in front of the ear. The sutures are then used to lift the underlying tissue. These sutures are then secured to the deep temporal fascia with pocket sutures.
There is a strong trend towards less radical facial rejuvenation treatments. In 1999, a very simple but effective rhytidectomy technique called the S-Lift was described in the literature. Its basic principle is to hang sagging facial features with a strong and durable bag seam. The procedure is performed on the patient under local anesthesia. Significant changes were made to the incision, the anchor point of the pouch suture, and the direction and shape of the skin excision. Limited skin irritation is achieved through an inverted L-shaped preauricular incision that runs under the cheek. Two strong and durable vertical U-shaped and diagonal O-shaped sutures are woven into the superficial tissues of the musculoskeletal system, beginning with a strong anchorage in the deep temporal fascia at the level of the helical bone. The tying of these sutures results in a very strong vertical correction of sagging facial features, which primarily affect the chin and upper neck area. The procedure can be extended by continuing the dissection of the buccal fat pad, placing a third vertical pocket suture with high impact on the nasolabial fold, and changing the position of the midface volume vertically.
Diet & Weight Management, Male Breast Reduction (Gynaecomastia), Botox Injections,Female Genital Surgery Or Cosmetic Vaginal Surgery, Hair Transplant, Hymenoplasty (Regain Of Virginity), Liposuction, Rhinoplasty, Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) and many more...
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