Diet & Weight Management, Male Breast Reduction (Gynaecomastia), Botox Injections,Female Genital Surgery Or Cosmetic Vaginal Surgery, Hair Transplant, Hymenoplasty (Regain Of Virginity), Liposuction, Rhinoplasty, Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) and many more...
Mastopexy (breast lift) is a group of elective surgical procedures to elevate or reshape a woman’s breasts. In addition to elevating the breast tissue and removing the skin, mastopexy may also involve repositioning of the areola and nipple. In practice, mastopexy can be performed as a discrete surgical procedure or as a secondary operation to breast augmentation to insert breast implants. The physical changes induced by the mastopexy—the position and shape of the breast and the (re)position of the existing breast tissue—are temporary as patient will continue to be affected by gravity and aging. body, causing ptosis to return over time.
Surgical Procedures Related to Mastopexy
Complete breast lift
A full breast lift consists of an incision along the crease under the breast, incisions around the areola, and a vertical incision between the areola and the base of the breast called the anchor incision, and an inverted T-shaped incision. This technique removes excess skin, lifts the breasts and often reduces the areola to allow for maximum breast transformation. It is therefore the most used traditional surgical technique, since it allows to achieve the desired shape of the breast and its position on the chest wall.
Breast Augmentation: Plastic surgeon performing a mastopexy (breast lift) in conjunction with a silicone breast implant. In order to achieve the desired result for the patient, these two procedures are usually combined in one operation.
The three distinct scars in this mastopexy technique are in three places; Everyone has a distinctive healing pattern. In the periareolar area, the scars are partially obscured by the change in skin color from lighter to darker from the skin of the breast to the pigmented skin of the areola. The vertical anchoring incision from the areola to the breast crease can be hidden in the shade. The submammary portion of the scar, which runs along the submammary crease of the breast, is often the thickest of the three surgical scars, but may be hidden in that crease. Even if the color of these scars fades, in most cases they remain visible.
Modified breast lift
A modified breast lift produces the same change as a full breast lift but with less scarring; However, this may be limited as there are fewer changes to the breast shape that the plastic surgeon can make. In surgical practice, a modified breast lift surgical technique is often performed as part of breast augmentation. There are several variations of modified breast lift techniques: (i) Benelli breast lift, a concentric mastopexy in which a ring of skin around the areola is removed to reduce scarring in the areola area of the breast; (ii) Crescent lift, which also removes the ring of tissue around the areola, but removes more tissue from the area above the areola, elevating the nipple and areola on the chest wall; (iii) the Lollipop lift, which consists of an incision around the nipple and areola with a vertical scar that extends to the submammary crease, i. H. the crease under the breast, ranges; and (iv) a donut variant in which excess skin is removed from under the breasts.
Diet & Weight Management, Male Breast Reduction (Gynaecomastia), Botox Injections,Female Genital Surgery Or Cosmetic Vaginal Surgery, Hair Transplant, Hymenoplasty (Regain Of Virginity), Liposuction, Rhinoplasty, Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) and many more...
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