Diet & Weight Management, Male Breast Reduction (Gynaecomastia), Botox Injections,Female Genital Surgery Or Cosmetic Vaginal Surgery, Hair Transplant, Hymenoplasty (Regain Of Virginity), Liposuction, Rhinoplasty, Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) and many more...
Ear correction is a cosmetic procedure to treat protruding ears. The operation is also known as otoplasty or pinnaplasty.
Ear reshaping surgery involves shaping the cartilage into a less prominent shape. The two main techniques for correcting prominent ears are:
The ear splint restores the soft cartilage and uses a splint to hold the ear in its new position. It is used to treat babies under the age of six months
Otoplasty, or pinnaplasty (ear immobilization), in which the cartilage is remodeled to create the missing folds and bring the ear closer to the head.
Why are hearing aids used?
Protruding ears do not usually affect hearing, but can sometimes cause embarrassment and psychological distress.
‘s ears are among the first body parts to reach their full size in an adult human. So when they stick out, they can be particularly noticeable in children and lead to teasing or bullying.
Sometimes the parents of a child with protruding ears worry more than the child. They often worry that their children’s ears will bore them and lead to bullying at school.
Adults with prominent ears can have practical problems. For example, they may find it difficult to wear certain headgear, such as a motorcycle helmet. Women with prominent ears may also feel uncomfortable or embarrassed about wearing their hair up.
Protruding ears
Protruding ears can be hereditary, but this is not always the case.
The ‘s outer ear is designed to protrude laterally from the head at an angle of approximately 20 to 35 degrees. However, in a few people, the angle is more than 35 degrees, resulting in protruding ears.
Protruding ears can occur when there is too much cartilage or when the cartilage over the ear does not fold properly during its development. They can also be the result of an ear injury.
Diet & Weight Management, Male Breast Reduction (Gynaecomastia), Botox Injections,Female Genital Surgery Or Cosmetic Vaginal Surgery, Hair Transplant, Hymenoplasty (Regain Of Virginity), Liposuction, Rhinoplasty, Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) and many more...
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